1) Always wear a scarf (guys and girls - yes, I've seen more bright purple scarves on straight men here than on women), boots, oversized glasses, and die your hair black (I'm failing at the last one).
2) Drink at least 3 cups of coffee aka-espresso shots a day.
3) Have a croissant for breakfast at 9, pasta for lunch at 2, panino with prosciutto and cheese for a snack followed by gelato at 5, and another large helping of pasta, pizza or some sort of mystery meat around 8:30 with several large glasses of wine.
4) Close shop and go home between 12:30-4:30
5) Go to local bar/club on Tuesdays. Odds are you should be wearing some sort of costume
6) Leave 4 days to do laundry seeing as the washers are 1/2 the size as in the US and they don't have dryers.
7) Eat basically 5000 calories a day (see #3 to achieve this goal), yet still remain ungodly thin.
8) Don't smile at strangers on the street - old people and women will give you a "why are you smiling at me when you don't know me look" and young men will think it's an open invitation to stare and tell you how beautiful you are (may sound flattering, but it's just annoying).
9) Keep everything extremely clean, Italians are neat-freaks.
10) Only have one light on in the house, turn off the running water when washing your hair, scrub all dishes with soap then rinse all together (one would think they are really concerned about the environment - not at all, they just have an insanely expensive utilities bill)
Hopefully now if you come to Italy you will not have complete culture shock!
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