Day 1: arrived in Siena after a loooonngg day of traveling starting with a delayed redeye from Boston to Munich where I thought I would miss my connecting flight to Florence. So I was running through the airport, backpack and duffle in hands, sweating wearing 3 coats since they wouldn't fit in my bag, I decided to ignore the "Caution Wet Floor" sign then proceeded to wipe out face first, bags flying everywhere. I was then helped up by three very German looking men and continued to run to my gate only to find that my flight to Florence was also delayed.
When I finally arrived in Firenze, I met up with two other girls, Abbey and Emily and we had to fight to shove our 6 rolling bags, 3 duffles and 3 backpacks into a very small taxi. This took us to the bus station for our 1 hr. 15 min ride through rural Toscana to the heart of Siena. Taking a taxi to my apartment I met Giusy, my 27 year old italian roommate. Hauled my bags up three flight of stairs, attempted to unpack, but ended up just passing out because I was so tired!
Lauren, my roommate from Virginia got here a couple hours later. I finally woke up, and we got settled into our very cozy apartment. The room is about 15 ft x 15ft with two beds really close together, white walls, wooden beams on the ceiling and a window that opens out to look at the back of neighboring apartments. After we unpacked Giusy made us her special "Carbonera" pasta with egg and ham in it. Full and exhausted Lauren and I dragged ourselves to bed and were passed out before 9, with the fact that we were now in another country still not really hitting us...
This is so cool T!! I plan to liberally share it. Try to keep it up. You will be so happy you did